The Problem and the Solution

missingThe prison missionfield is growing. Each day servants of God carry the gospel of Jesus Christ into prison chapels and jail cells. Souls are being saved and lives are being transformed. Yet, upon their release, these newly born Christians are falling back into their old lifestyles, often returning to prison or sinking even deeper into sin. Something is wrong with this picture! 

They Can’t Do It Alone
When a man is released from prison, there’s no end to the temptations confronting him. However, a New Brother doesn’t want to return to his old lifestyle. In prison, he began learning how to walk with Christ. He had daily, spiritual fellowship with other Believers. He was growing in the Lord, but he’s not grown-up. He wants to continue this new walk of faith and continue to grow in the Lord, but he can’t do it alone. He must get connected to the Body of Christ. Yet, making that connection from prison to church is nearly impossible alone. To help bridge the gap, God has raised up this ministry. We are building relationships with churches so that men inside are connecting to a local church even before they’re released.


A Ministry to the Body, by the Body, for the Body

NBF is bridging the gap

This is not “The Gregan’s” ministry. If you are a member of the Body of Christ, this is your ministry. When you offer your hand in greeting to a New Brother visiting your church, or pray for an inmate, or bring a dish to an NBF Gathering, New Brothers Fellowship becomes your ministry. We thank you for your interest in New Brothers Fellowship. We would genuinely love to share the ministry with you, your church, men's group, or anyone who will listen. Please contact us The Lord bless you richly and give you a heart for this extremely challenging and rewarding ministry called "Prison Aftercare". Serving Jesus Christ with you, Doug Gregan - Director of New Brothers Fellowship if you would like to find out more.