Titus 2 PenPals is a discipleship-focused pen pal ministry based on Titus 2:4-8, which instructs the older men and women in the church to mentor younger Believers, helping them become grounded in a godly life that is above reproach.
All inmate Participants will be HopeMail Subscribers and will be expected to hold to certain expectations. This is in order to support the Volunteers, which is most important to us. Therefore, Participants...
- ...may not request money, gifts, or favors.
- ...may not use inappropriate language.
- ...will agree to their mail being screened.
To help guard the Volunteer’s privacy:
- Letters will be sent from the HopeMail address.
- Volunteers will use their first name only.
- Volunteers are asked to make a 12-month commitment, but if may end a PenPal relationship at any time.
- Volunteers write according to their schedule.
If you are 60 or older and want more information, please contact Caroline Gregan! We are happy to answer any questions. Volunteers who are new to us will be asked to have their Pastor submit a letter of introduction and recommendation. We will give you a list of Guidelines to make sure all your questions are answered.