"...New Brothers, Inc. has been serving the spiritual needs of incarcerated and post-incarcerated men and their families."
Titus 2 PenPals is a discipleship-focused pen pal ministry based on Titus 2:4-8, which instructs the older men and women in the church to mentor younger Believers, helping them become grounded in a godly life that is above reproach.
If you are 60 or older and want more information, please contact us! We are happy to answer any questions.
(Volunteers who are new to us will be asked to have their Pastor submit a letter of introduction and recommendation. We will give you a list of Guidelines to make sure all your questions are answered.)
HopeMail is a free, monthly, subscription service for incarcerated men and women anywhere in the United States. Each mailing is designed to encourage, give inspiration, and aspiration to men and women during their incarceration. You can also get involved with HopeMail as a Hope Writer. Find out more!
"...New Brothers, Inc. has been serving the spiritual needs of incarcerated and post-incarcerated men and their families."
PRAY - Pray for incarcerated men and women, pray for their families, pray for salvation in the hearing of the Gospel, pray for HopeMail and Titus 2 PenPals.
SERVE - Contact us to find out more about becoming a Hope Note Writer, Titus 2 PenPal, Discipleship Group volunteer or leader. You're whole church can get involved.
GIVE - You can give through PayPal or Venmo.
For NBF, aftercare is the spiritual support someone needs upon release from corrections, or as they are coming out of addiction. This is centered upon learning how to walk in the authroity of the love and power of the Holy Spirit.
Based on Titus 2:1-8, these are Christian men and women who attend and participate in Discipleship Groups. Primarily, they focus on building relationships, and become "passive mentors." These men and women do the work of modeling how to follow Christ.
Absolutely! - Contact Doug Gregan to find out more information about participating and training.
While children’s safety from sexual predators in church is always on the forefront of my mind, having a grandchild has made this issue very personal for me once again. So, I thought I would remind us all of some very important questions. This is a revised version of an article I wrote about two years ago.
There is a good chance you attend church with a sexual predator who is targeting the children who attend church with you. That does not mean you should be suspicious of every man or woman who walks through the door on Sunday morning, but it does mean you should question the safety protocol your church has established to protect their youngest congregants.
The most astounding thing about the subject of Christians drinking alcohol is the narrow focus that both sides of the discussion tend to stay on.
The spiritual root of drinking is one of authority, and friendship with the world; neither of which do I ever hear discussed. The very nature of an intimate relationship with God is one of increased presence, resulting in increased holiness. This conversation on whether a Christian should drink, or if drinking is sin, is shallow and weak. The real question should be:
“Why aren’t Christians more Christ-like?”
We are called out from among them, to be separate. Friendship with the world is enmity with God, and brings us under the authority of the world and its spirit. The spirit that drives alcohol is undeniably of the world, and under the authority of Satan.
As I think about the New Year, I just cannot resist the temptation to look back at 2016. I don’t want to speak ill of the dead, but this past year was not my favorite. I’ve been looking forward to a new calendar!
However, I have no reason to think 2017 won’t be full of the very same challenges that kicked my tookus in 2016. Let’s be honest: our problems don’t belong to the calendar. They belong to us. And, they go with us wherever we go—new address, new relationship, new year.
There is a way to overcome our problems, though. That doesn’t mean our problems will go away, but it does mean we can overcome them. That distinction matters.
John 19:30
“When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar He said,
‘It is finished’ and He bowed His head and gave up the ghost.”
I said last week that I’d attempt to talk to you on the three most important words, I believe, in history - IT IS FINISHED. This is one of the seven sayings, as we say, of the Lord Jesus on the cross. Just three words - IT IS FINISHED.
The Greatest Words Ever Uttered
By the Greatest Man That Ever Lived.
In these three words I see the consummation of all the Old Testament truth and the germination of all New Testament truth. I don’t believe that ever in history, anywhere, at any time, by anybody, were three words more pregnant with meaning than these three words given by one Man at the end of His life - It is finished. It is finished.
This ministry is entirely funded by the private, freewill offerings of individuals and churches. Please, consider supporting the work God is doing with your monthly pledge or a special gift.
Offerings may be mailed to: